Wedding and StoryTelling
Vito Finocchiaro, born in Mascali (Sicily) in 1965, is a freelance photographer and winner of national and international Awards. He learned the secrets of photography from his father and the passion for this form of expression has always been a constant in his life. From 1984 to today his photography is a continuous growth, research and comparison with photographers of the national and international panorama. His way of telling leads him to look for places where shadows and colors become the basic elements to understand and describe a territory. An innate artistic creativity and a way of experimenting that has always distinguished him. His demo-ethno-anthropological researches have allowed him to live and tell about Continents and Peoples, going into the most unusual folds of the World, of which he has documented the most extreme suburbs such as China, Cuba, Peru, Mexico, Kenya, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda .

Fare storytelling significa raccontare storie in modo coinvolgente e persuasivo. Attraverso il racconto di esperienze, emozioni e valori, lo storytelling crea connessioni emotive con il pubblico, trasmettendo messaggi in modo memorabile e convincente. Il digital storytelling, in particolare, impiega varie forme di media digitale, come testi, immagini, video e audio, per creare narrazioni interattive ed entusiasmanti, ne sono un esempio i tipi di comunicazione aziendale che vengono creati sui social media.