Vito Finocchiaro, nato a Mascali (Sicilia) nel 1965, è fotografo freelance e vincitore di Awards nazionali ed internazionali. Ha appreso i segreti della fotografia da suo padre, Antonino, e la passione per questa forma espressiva è sempre stata una costante nella sua vita. In lui tutte quelle virtù proprie di una personalità che ha un dono, una passione. Dal 1984 ad oggi la sua fotografia è una continua crescita, ricerca e confronto con fotografi del panorama nazionale ed internazionale. Luce, visione e percezione le compagne del suo viaggio professionale. Un modo di raccontare, il suo, che lo porta a cercare i luoghi dove luce, ombre e colori diventano gli elementi di base per capire e descrivere un territorio. Uno sguardo sempre attento e analitico, il suo, ma che lascia anche il giusto spazio all’intervento creativo del caso; un’innata creatività artistica e un modo tutto suo di sperimentare, che da sempre lo contraddistinguono. Il costante interesse per le problematiche sociali, gli hanno consentito di vivere e di raccontare Genti e avvenimenti della sua terra, che da sempre ha voluto valorizzare portandone le immagini nei più prestigiosi Concorsi mondiali, e di terre lontane. Le sue ricerche si spingono fin nelle pieghe più inconsuete del Mondo, del quale ha voluto documentare le periferie più estreme come Cina, Cuba, Perù, Messico, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda.
Un continuo lavoro focalizzato a trasmettere il vero significato di fotografia e di racconto fotografico:
“Per me la fotografia è comunicare, è la necessità di raccontare qualcosa, di esprimere un sentimento, un pensiero attraverso le immagini. La fotografia vera è quella che trasmette emozioni, che non spiega tutto ma pone domande. Una Fotografia che instaura un dialogo tra l’immagine e lo spettatore. Lo scatto è semplicemente la fase finale di un percorso che nasce da un’idea e si concretizza con il racconto. Una buona fotografia è quella che nasce dall’avvicinarsi al soggetto, ma non in senso fisico bensì empatico. Per scattare una buona foto, quindi, bisogna entrare in sintonia con il soggetto, bisogna conoscerlo, immedesimarsi, avvicinarsi a lui attraverso le emozioni, ascoltandolo e cogliendone l’anima, affinché l’immagine possa trasmettere quel contenuto sul quale lo spettatore possa fermarsi a riflettere”.
Qualifiche: QEP (Qualified European Photographer) landscape, QEP (Qualified European Photographer) nude, QIP (Qualified Italian Photographer) ricerca, Certified artist "Digigraphie" Epson (Fine Art).
Vito Finocchiaro - ZUMA Contract Photographer
Pubblicazioni ed Esposizioni:
GEO France Magazine
Kolga Tbilisi 2024
Appartenenze V.3 - Cesenatico
Delayed Gratification Magazine UK
Accademia di Fotografia NikonSchool - Corriere della Sera - Bauer, volume 06
L'Espresso web
L'Espresso - settimanale
Inserto Corriere della Sera a cura di NikonSchool - FOTOGRAFIA
Master di Fotografia NikonSchool, Corriere della Sera, Gazzetta dello Sport - volume 08
The Washington Post - 27 November 2020
NPhotography n. 105
Erodoto 108 n. 28
Erodoto 108 n. 30
Progesso Fotografico serie ORO
Vito Finocchiaro, born in Mascali (Sicily) in 1965, is a freelance photographer and winner of national and international awards. He learned the secrets of photography from his father and the passion for this expressive form has always been a constant in his life. In him all those virtues of a personality that has a gift, a passion. From 1984 to today his photography is a continuous growth, research and comparison with photographers of the national and international scene. Light, vision and perception of the companions of your professional journey. A way of telling his story that leads him to look for places where light, shadows and colors become the basic elements to understand and describe a territory. His look is always attentive and analytical, but it also leaves the right space for the creative intervention of the case; an innate artistic creativity and his own way of experimenting, which have always distinguished him. The constant interest in social issues has allowed him to live and tell stories about the people and events of his land, which he has always wanted to enhance by bringing his images to the most prestigious world competitions, and to distant lands. His research goes as far as the most unusual folds of the world, of which he wanted to document the most extreme suburbs such as China, Cuba, Peru, Mexico, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda.
A continuous work focused on transmitting the true meaning of photography and photographic story:
“For me photography is communicating, it is the need to tell something, to express a feeling, a thought through images. There are beautiful photographs and good photographs ... The beautiful photograph, which can be a sunrise or a sunset, you look at it and move forward ... You look at the good photograph and you stop to understand why its contents ... This is the true Photography ; the one that transmits emotions, which does not explain everything but asks questions. A Photography that establishes a dialogue between the image and the viewer. The shot is simply the final phase of a journey that is born from an idea and takes shape with the story. Robert Capa used to say - If your photos are not good enough, you are not close enough - Good photography is, in fact, the one that comes from approaching the subject, but not in a physical sense but an empathic one. To take a good photo, therefore, you need to get in tune with the subject, you need to know it, identify with it, approach it through emotions, listening to it and catching its soul, so that the image can convey that content on which the viewer can stop at reflect".
Qualifications: QEP (Qualified European Photographer) landscape, QEP (Qualified European Photographer) nude, QIP (Qualified Italian Photographer) research, Certified "Digigraphie" artist Epson (Fine Art).
Publishment and Exhibition:
GEO France Magazine
Kolga Tbilisi 2024
Appartenenze V.3 - Cesenatico Exhibition
Delayed Gratification Magazine UK
Accademia di Fotografia NikonSchool - Corriere della Sera - Bauer, volume 06
L'Espresso web
L'Espresso - settimanale
Inserto Corriere della Sera a cura di NikonSchool - FOTOGRAFIA
Master di Fotografia NikonSchool, Corriere della Sera, Gazzetta dello Sport - volume 08
The Washington Post - 27 November 2020
NPhotography n. 105
Erodoto 108 n. 28
Erodoto 108 n. 30
Progesso Fotografico serie ORO
KOLGA TIBILISI PHOTO 2024 - FINALIST Reportage, Documentary, Conceptual.
WORLD.REPORT.AWARD Documenting Humanity 2021 LODI Italy - Finalist
PX3 Prix de la Photographie Paris 2020 - Bronze Categoria Ritrattistica
BUDAPEST INTERNATIONAL FOTO AWARDS 2020 - Silver Categoria Editorial/Environmental
PX3 Prix de la Photographie Paris 2020 - Silver Categoria Ritrattistica/Cultura Professional
WORLD.REPORT.AWARD Documenting Humanity 2018 LODI Italy - Finalist
The 6th China International Digital Photography Art Exhibition 2017 - BRONZE - Lo Spirito Sacro della Sicilia
Black and white SPIDER AWARDS 2017 - Honorable Mention Traditions and Culture
MIFA - MOSCOW INTERNATIONAL PHOTO AWRDS 2017 Professional - GOLD Traditions and Culture
TIFA Tokio International Foto Awards 2016 - Silver Landscape Panoramica
TIFA Tokio International Foto Awards 2016 - Silver Wedding
TIFA Tokio International Foto Awards 2016 - Bronze FineArt Landscape
TIFA Tokio International Foto Awards 2016 - Honorable Mention Landscape
TIFA Tokio International Foto Awards 2016 Honorable Mention Landscape
I.P.A. international photographer awards 2016 - Honorable Mention Traditions and Culture
I.P.A. international photographer awards 2016 - Honorable Mention Nature Other
I.P.A. international photographer awards 2016 - Honorable Mention Nudes
I.P.A. international photographer awards 2016 - Honorable Mention Lifestyle
I.P.A. international photographer awards 2016 - Honorable Mention People Other
I.P.A. international photographer awards 2016 - Honorable Mention Court Sports
I.P.A. international photographer awards 2016 - Honorable Mention Travel/Tourism
Black and white SPIDER AWARDS 2016 - Honorable Mention Children of the World
Black and white SPIDER AWARDS 2016 - Honorable Mention Silhouette
MIFA Moscow International Foto Awards 2016 - 3rd Place Science Environment
FIIPA 2016 Italia - Honorable Mention Nudo
FIIPA 2016 Italia - Honorable Mention Landscape
FIIPA 2016 Italia - Honorable Mention Landscape
FIIPA 2016 Italia - Honorable Mention Landscape
Black and white SPIDER AWARDS 2015 - Nomination Children of the World
Black and white SPIDER AWARDS 2015 - Nomination Nude
Black and white SPIDER AWARDS 2015 - Nomination People
ND Awards 2015 - Honorable Mention People - Portrait
MIFA - MOSCOW 2015 Professional - Honorable Mention Fine Art-Landscape
MIFA - MOSCOW 2015 Professional Honorable Mention Fine Art-Nudes
MIFA - MOSCOW 2015 Professional Honorable Mention People-Children
I.P.A. international photographer awards 2015 - Honorable Mention Nature : Aerial
I.P.A. international photographer awards 2015 - Honorable Mention Architecture : Industrial
I.P.A. international photographer awards 2015 - Honorable Mention People : Lifestyle
I.P.A. international photographer awards 2015 - Honorable Mention Editorial : Other_ED
I.P.A. international photographer awards 2015 - Honorable Mention Fine Art : Portrait
I.P.A. international photographer awards 2015 - Honorable Mention People : Culture
I.P.A. international photographer awards 2015 - Honorable Mention People : Lifestyle
I.P.A. international photographer awards 2015 - Honorable Mention Special : Travel/Tourism
I.P.A. international photographer awards 2015 - Honorable Mention People : Family
I.P.A. international photographer awards 2015 - Honorable Mention People : Other_P
The 5th China International Digital Photography Art Exhibition 2015 - BRONZE - Nude us introspection
China Photographers Association e Photo International - contest per i 175 anni della fotografia - HONORABLE MENTIONS progetto ESSENCE
FIIPA 2015 Italia - Vincitore assoluto categoria Nudo
FIIPA 2015 Italia - Gold Nudo
FIIPA 2015 Italia - Gold Architettura
FIIPA 2015 Italia - Silver Sport
FIIPA 2015 Italia - Silver Natura
FIIPA 2015 Italia - Honorable mention Architettura
FIIPA 2015 Italia - Honorable mention Reportage
Black and white SPIDER AWARDS 2014 - Nomination abstract
Black and white SPIDER AWARDS 2014 - Nomination abstract
Black and white SPIDER AWARDS 2014 - Nomination abstract
Black and white SPIDER AWARDS 2014 - Nomination nature
I.P.A. international photographer awards 2014 - HONORABLE MENTIONS Architecture Other
I.P.A. international photographer awards 2014 - HONORABLE MENTIONS Architecture Buildings
I.P.A. international photographer awards 2014 - HONORABLE MENTIONS Fine Art Landscape
I.P.A. international photographer awards 2014 - HONORABLE MENTIONS People Lifestyle
I.P.A. international photographer awards 2014 - HONORABLE MENTIONS Nature Other_N
I.P.A. international photographer awards 2014 - HONORABLE MENTIONS Fine Art Nudes
I.P.A. international photographer awards 2014 - HONORABLE MENTIONS Architecture Cityscapes
I.P.A. international photographer awards 2014 - HONORABLE MENTIONS Nature Trees
I.P.A. international photographer awards 2014 - HONORABLE MENTIONS Nature Other_N
Px3 prix de la photographie Paris 2014 - HONORABLE MENTIONS Art/Architecture_FA
Px3 prix de la photographie Paris 2014 - HONORABLE MENTIONS Fine Art/Still Life
PHOTOGRAPHY MASTERS CUP - International color awards 2014 - Honorable mention categoria SILHOUETTE
FIOF awards contest 2014 - 2 Silver - 2 Bronze awards Reportage
FIOF awards contest 2014 - 2 Silver - 2 Bronze awards Ricerca
FIOF awards contest 2014 - 1 Silver awards Storia
FIOF awards contest 2014 - 3 Silver - 1 Bronze awards wedding
FIOF awards contest 2014 - 2 Silver - 2 Bronze awards nudo
FIOF awards contest 2014 - 3 Bronze awards Ritratto
FIOF awards contest 2014 - 4 Bronze awards Commerciale
International Loupe awards 2013 Australia - Silver award scienze & nature TOP 50
International Loupe awards 2013 Australia - Bronze award scienze & nature
Black and white SPIDER AWARDS 2013 - Nomination Nude
Black and white SPIDER AWARDS 2013 - Nomination Abstract
Black and white SPIDER AWARDS 2013 - Nomination Advertising
Black and white SPIDER AWARDS 2013 - Nomination Advertising
FIOF - CPA - 15th International Photographic Art Exhibition - Accepted Awards
I.P.A. international photographer awards 2013 -Honorable Mention Editorial Other
I.P.A. international photographer awards 2013 - Honorable Mention Nature Trees
I.P.A. international photographer awards 201 - Honorable Mention FineArt Nature Other
I.P.A. international photographer awards 2013 - Honorable Mention FineArt Nudes
I.P.A. international photographer awards 2013 - Honorable Mention FineArt Landscape
Px3 prix de la photographie Paris 2013 - Honorable Mention Photojournalism Other
Px3 prix de la photographie Paris 2013 - Honorable Mention Nature Other
Px3 prix de la photographie Paris 2013 - Honorable Mention FineArt nude
One eyeland awards 2013 India - finalist people lifestyle
One eyeland awards 2013 India - finalist advertising conceptual
One eyeland awards 2013 India - bronze fineart other - mani
fiof awards Nikon contest 2013 - menzione speciale mostra "dietro il reale"
fiof awards Nikon contest 2013 - 2 posto assoluto
fiof awards Nikon contest 2013 - gold award nudo artistico
fiof awards Nikon contest 2013 - gold award nudo artistico
fiof awards Nikon contest 2013 - gold award nudo artistico
fiof awards Nikon contest 2013 - gold award ricerca/open
fiof awards Nikon contest 2013 silver award nudo artistico
fiof awards Nikon contest 2013 silver award ricerca/open
fiof awards Nikon contest 2013 - silver award ricerca/open
fiof awards Nikon contest 2013 - bronze award ricerca/open
FEP European Professional Photographer of the year awards 2012 - bronze award wedding
FEP European Professional Photographer of the year awards 2012 - TOP TEN list wedding
International Loupe awards 2012 Australia - bronze award illustrative
International Loupe awards 2012 Australia - bronze award scienze & nature
fiof - double face - wedding and free art photography exhibition 2012 - miglior fotografo assoluto
Px3 prix de la photographie Paris 2012 - 2nd place professional nature category winner
Px3 prix de la photographie Paris 2012 - gold award professional nature-other
Px3 prix de la photographie Paris 2012 - bronze award professional fineart- abstract
fiof Professional Photography Awards 2012 - silver wedding
fiof Professional Photography Awards 2012 - bronze wedding
fiof Professional Photography Awards 2012 - bronze wedding
fiof Professional Photography Awards 2012 - bronze wedding
14th International Photographic Art Exhibition nella città di Lishui - Cina 2011 - silver medal (ritratto intitolato "secure")
fiof Professional Photography Awards 2011 - Bronze wedding
fiof Professional Photography Awards 2011 - Bronze ritratto